Sağlığını Düşün”    Kalp sağlığınızı korumak için düzenli egzersiz yapın, sağlıklı beslenin ve periyodik sağlık kontrollerinizi aksatmayın.

Doç. Dr. Selman EMİROĞLU

  • Genel Cerrahi
  • Meme Cerrahisi
    • Total Mastektomi
    • Meme Koruyucu Cerrahi
    • Meme Ucu Koruyucu Mastektomi
    • Onkoplastik Meme Cerrahisi
  • Onkolojik Cerrahi
  • Laparoskopik Cerrahi
  • Endoskopi


  • Tıpta Uzmanlık: Genel Cerrahi, İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, 2008-2013
  • Tıp Fakültesi: Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (İngilizce), 2000-2007


  • Doçent Doktor: Genel Cerrahi, İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, 2024-Devam
  • Doçent Doktor: Genel Cerrahi, Biruni Üniversitesi Hastanesi, 2024-Devam
  • Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı: İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, 2016-2024
  • Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı: Biruni Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2023-2024
  • Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı: Kırkağaç Devlet Hastanesi, Manisa, 2014-2016
  • Türkiye Meme Hastalıkları Dernekleri Federasyonu (Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, 2023)
  • Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Derneği (Üye, 2022)
  • Türk Cerrahi Derneği (Üye, 2022)
  • İstanbul Meme Derneği (Üye, 2021)
  • Türk Cerrahi Gastroenteroloji Endoskopi Derneği (Üye, 2021)
  • İstanbul Cerrahi Onkoloji Derneği (Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, 2017)
    1. Meme Kanseri Tanı-Tedavi-Takip/ Yazar. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri-2020.
    2. 4th International Congress on Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches Congress Book. A Rare Case of Mucinous Carcinoma of The Breast In A 30-Year-Old Female) (2022). Emiroglu Selman, Abuaisha Asmaa, Tukenmez Mustafa, Kaya Murat, Suer Ilknur, Bayram Aysel, Ozturk Sukru. Guven Plus Group Consulting A.B. Publications®, Issue number:1, Number of pages 7, ISBN:978-625-7367-53-0, English (Scientific Book).
    3. Turkiye Klinikleri General Surgery – Special Topics 2017 – Volume 10 Issue 3. Complication Management After Gastroesophageal Reflux and Hiatal Hernia Surgery (2017). Emiroglu Selman, Ozmen Vahit. Number of Editions:1, Number of Pages 7, ISBN:978-625-401-943-2, Turkish (Scientific Book).


    1. Targeted axillary dissection reduces residual nodal disease in clinically node- positive breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cabıoğlu N, Karanlık H, Yılmaz R, Emiroğlu S, Tükenmez M, Bademler S, Şimşek DH, Kantarcı TR, Yirgin İK, Bayram A, Dursun M. Targeted axillary dissection reduces residual nodal disease in clinically node- positive breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. World J Surg Oncol. 2024 Jul 6;22(1):178. doi: 10.1186/s12957-024-03413-6. PMID: 38971793; PMCID: PMC11227135.


    1. Diverging prognostic effects of CD155 and CD73 expressions in locally advanced triple-negative breast cancer. Cabioglu Neslihan, Bayram Aysel, Emiroglu Selman, Onder Semen, Karatay Huseyin, Oner Gizem, Tukenmez Mustafa, Muslumanoglu Mahmut, Igci Abdullah, Aydiner Adnan, Saip Pinar, Yavuz Ekrem, Ozmen Vahit. Front. Oncol., 13 July 2023. Sec. Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy. Volume 13 – 2023


    1. A Novel Surgical Technique for Gynecomastia: Air-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery With Single Axillary Incision. Tukenmez M, Mollavelioglu B, Kozanoglu E, Emiroglu S, Cabioglu N, Muslumanoglu M. A Novel Surgical Technique for Gynecomastia: Air-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery With Single Axillary Incision. Surg Innov. 2024 Feb;31(1):5-10. doi: 10.1177/15533506231217621. Epub 2023 Nov 23. PMID: 37995296; PMCID: PMC10773160.


    1. Long-term outcomes and predictors of recurrence in node-negative early stage breast cancer patients. Dogan I, Aydin E, Khanmammadov N, Paksoy N, Ferhatoğlu F, Ak N, Emiroglu S, Ibis K, Onder S, Tukenmez M, Cabioglu N, Kucucuk S, Muslumanoğlu M, Ozmen V, Saip P, Igci A, Aydiner A. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2023 Nov;149(16):14833-14841. doi: 10.1007/s00432-023-05276-y. Epub 2023 Aug 18. PMID: 37594533.


    1. Local steroid injection in severe idiopathic granulomatous mastitis as a new first-line treatment modality with promising therapeutic efficacy. Cabioglu N, Uras C, Mutlu H, Sezgin D, Emiroglu S, Dulgeroglu O, Yilmaz R, Tukenmez M, Arikan AE, Kara H, Muslumanoglu M. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Oct 4;10:1251851. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1251851. PMID: 37859855; PMCID: PMC10582626.
    2. Ozone therapy as a novel complementary therapeutic approach in refractory idiopathic granulomatous mastitis Cabioglu Neslihan, Trabulus Didem Can, Emiroglu Selman, Ozkurt Enver, Yalcin Nesli, Dinc Nagehan, Tukenmez Mustafa, Muslumanoglu Mahmut, Igci Abdullah, Ozmen Vahit, Dinccag Ahmet Sait, Guven Yusuf Izzettin. Frontiers in Medicine. 06 July 2023. Sec. Precision Medicine. Volume 10 – 2023
    3. Effect of Cold Therapy on Managing Postoperative Pain Following Breast Conserving Surgery. Emiroglu S, Esen E, Yalcin N, Azizoglu FS, Zent N, Bozdogan A, Tukenmez M, Muslumanoglu M, Cetingok H, Cavdar I, Cabioglu N. Effect of Cold Therapy on Managing Postoperative Pain Following Breast Conserving Surgery. Pain Manag Nurs. 2023 Mar 25:S1524-9042(23)00058-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2023.03.001. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36973091.


    1. Is Breast Conserving Surgery Efficacious in Breast Cancer Patients with BRCA1 or BRCA2 Germline Mutation? Emiroglu S, Özkurt E, Cabıoglu N, Igci A, Saip P, Yazici H, Ozmen T, Ozmen V, Muslumanoglu M, Tukenmez M. Is Breast Conserving Surgery Efficacious in Breast Cancer Patients with BRCA1 or BRCA2 Germline Mutation? Breast Cancer (Dove Med Press). 2023 Feb 21;15:163-173. doi: 10.2147/BCTT.S395054. PMID: 36852260; PMCID: PMC9960707.


    1. Delayed Port Site Recurrence from Gallbladder Dysplasia Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: All Gallbladder Retrieval Always Be Inside a Bag? Kara, M., Erdoğdu, E., Büyük, M., Emiroglu S. Delayed Port Site Recurrence from Gallbladder Dysplasia Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: All Gallbladder Retrieval Always Be Inside a Bag?. Indian J Surg (2023).


    1. Single axillary incision endoscopic surgery and liposuction for gynecomastia. Tukenmez M, Emiroglu S, Kozanoglu E, Akalin BE, Mollavelioglu B, Cabioglu N, Muslumanoglu M. Single axillary incision endoscopic surgery and liposuction for gynecomastia. Medicine (Baltimore). 2023 Feb 17;102(7):e33020. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000033020. PMID: 36800581; PMCID: PMC9936023.




    1. Surgery for phyllodes tumour of the breast. What should be surgical margins? Tukenmez M, Mollavelioglu B, Onder S, Emiroglu S, Velidedeoglu M, Ergun S, Cabioglu N, Muslumanoglu M. Surgery for phyllodes tumour of the breast. What should be surgical margins? ANZ J Surg. 2023 Jan 11. doi: 10.1111/ans.18264. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36629354.


    1. High co-expression of immune checkpoint receptors PD-1, CTLA-4, LAG-3, TIM-3, and TIGIT on tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in early-stage breast cancer. Mollavelioglu B, Cetin Aktas E, Cabioglu N, Abbasov A, Onder S, Emiroglu S, Tükenmez M, Muslumanoglu M, Igci A, Deniz G, Ozmen V. High co-expression of immune checkpoint receptors PD-1, CTLA-4, LAG-3, TIM-3, and TIGIT on tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in early-stage breast cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2022 Oct 21;20(1):349. doi: 10.1186/s12957-022-02810-z. PMID: 36271406; PMCID: PMC9587596.


    1. Ozone therapy restores immune dysfunction in refractory idiopathic granulomatous mastitis as a novel potential therapeutic approach. Cabioglu N, Cetin Aktas E, Emiroglu S, Tukenmez M, Ozkurt E, Muslumanoglu M, Igci A, Ozmen V, Deniz G, Dinccag AS, Guven YI. Ozone therapy restores immune dysfunction in refractory idiopathic granulomatous mastitis as a novel potential therapeutic approach. Cell Biol Int. 2023 Jan;47(1):228-237. doi: 10.1002/cbin.11953. Epub 2022 Nov 15. PMID: 36378588.


    1. Metaplastic Breast Cancer: Mesenchymal Subtype Has Worse Survival Outcomes. Özkurt E, Emiroğlu S, Cabioğlu N, Karanlık H, Önder S, Tükenmez M, İğci A, Özmen V, Müslümanoğlu M. Metaplastic Breast Cancer: Mesenchymal Subtype Has Worse Survival Outcomes. Breast Care (Basel). 2022 Dec;17(6):554-560. doi: 10.1159/000525324. Epub 2022 Jun 2. PMID: 36590148; PMCID: PMC9801396.


    1. SPECT/CT Lymphoscintigraphy Guidance Simplifies and Improves Targeted Axillary Dissection of the Clipped Nodes After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Initially Node-Positive Breast Cancer. Has Simsek D, Emiroglu S, Yilmaz R, Bayram A, Isik EG, Tukenmez M, Kuyumcu S, Dursun M, Muslumanoglu M, Cabioglu N. SPECT/CT Lymphoscintigraphy Guidance Simplifies and Improves Targeted Axillary Dissection of the Clipped Nodes After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Initially Node-Positive Breast Cancer. Clin Nucl Med. 2022 Nov 1;47(11):e682-e688. doi: 10.1097/RLU.0000000000004340. Epub 2022 Jul 15. PMID: 35835147.


    1. Sentinel lymph node biopsy alone in locally advanced breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Turkish multicentric neosenti-turk MF-18-02-study. Cabıoğlu N, Karanlık H, Yıldırım N, Müslümanoğlu M, Çakmak Karadeniz G, Trabulus Can D, Tükenmez M, Ersoy YE, Uras C, Zengel B, Emiroğlu S, Polat AK, Yeniay L, Özkurt E, Kara H, İbiş K, Aydıner A, Özmen V, İğci A. Favorable outcome with sentinel lymph node biopsy alone after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in clinically node positive breast cancer at diagnosis: Turkish Multicentric NEOSENTI-TURK MF-18-02-study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2021 Oct;47(10):2506-2514. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2021.06.024. Epub 2021 Jun 24. PMID: 34217580.


    1. Differential expressions of immune check point receptors on tumor infiltrating lymphocytes after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in patients with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC). Abbasov A, Aktas Cetin E, Cabioglu N, Mollavelioglu B, Onder S, Emiroglu S, Tükenmez M, Muslumanoglu M, Igci A, Deniz G, Ozmen VO. Differential Expression of Novel Immune Checkpoint Receptors on Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Patients with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. Neoplasma. 2021 Sep;68(5):1079-1090. doi: 10.4149/neo_2021_210127N141. Epub 2021 Jun 7. PMID: 34097428.


    1. The role of histopathologic testing on apocrine carcinoma of the breast. Ilhan B, Emiroğlu S, Türkay R, Ilhan R. The role of histopathologic testing on apocrine carcinoma of the breast. Curr Probl Cancer. 2020 Apr;44(2):100501. doi: 10.1016/j.currproblcancer.2019.100501. Epub 2019 Sep 7. PMID: 31521370.
    2. Discussing treatment strategies for acute mechanical intestinal obstruction caused by phytobezoar: A single-center retrospective study. Gök AFK, Sönmez RE, Kantarcı TR, Bayraktar A, Emiroğlu S, İlhan M, Güloğlu R. Discussing treatment strategies for acute mechanical intestinal obstruction caused by phytobezoar: A single-center retrospective study. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2019 Sep;25(5):503-509. English. doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.24557. PMID: 31475322.


    1. Surgical treatment of post-transplant encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: A single-center experience. Bayraktar A, Gök AFK, Emiroğlu S, Bakkaloğlu H. Surgical treatment of post-transplant encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: A single-center experience. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2019 Mar;25(2):142-146. English. doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2019.04838. PMID: 30892663.


    1. Falling television related child injuries in Turkey: 10-year experience. Güloğlu R, Sarıcı IS, Bademler S, Emirikçi S, Işsever H, Yanar H, Ertekin C. Falling television related child injuries in Turkey: 10-year experience. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2012 Jan;18(1):61-4. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2011.54775. PMID: 22290052.


    1. Abbreviated and Standard Breast MRI in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response Evaluation: A Comparative Study. Yirgin IK, Engin G, Yildiz Ş, Aydin EC, Karanlik H, Cabioglu N, Tukenmez M, Emiroglu S, Onder S, Yildiz SO, Yavuz E, Saip P, Aydiner A, Igci A, Muslumanoglu M. Abbreviated and Standard Breast MRI in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response Evaluation: A Comparative Study. Curr Med Imaging. 2022;18(10):1052-1060. doi: 10.2174/1573405618666220223142009. PMID: 35209823.


    1. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy in pregnancy: A single center experience. Gök AFK, Soydaş Y, Bayraktar A, Emirikçi S, İlhan M, Koltka AK, Günay MK. Laparoscopic versus open appendectomy in pregnancy: A single center experience. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2018 Nov;24(6):552-556. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2018.26357. PMID: 30516255.
    2. MR Imaging Features of Tubular Carcinoma: Preliminary Experience in Twelve Masses. Yılmaz R, Bayramoğlu Z, Emirikçi S, Önder S, Salmaslıoğlu A, Dursun M, Acunaş G, Özmen V. MR Imaging Features of Tubular Carcinoma: Preliminary Experience in Twelve Masses. Eur J Breast Health. 2018 Jan 1;14(1):39-45. doi: 10.5152/ejbh.2017.3543. PMID: 29322118; PMCID: PMC5758062.



    1. Diagnosis And Endovascular Treatment Of An Arteriovenous Fistula In The Breast. Cömert, R. G., Çakır, M. S., Yılmaz, R. S., Emiroğlu, S., (2024). Diagnosis And Endovascular Treatment Of An Arteriovenous Fistula In The Breast. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 87(1), 95-100.


    1. Effect of Curcumin on Breast Cancer Cells Through miR-145-5p and Its Target Genes. Abuaisha A, Kaya M, Suer İ, Emiroğlu S, Abanoz F, Palanduz Ş, et al. Effect of curcumin on breast cancer cells through miR-145-5p and its target genes. J Ist Faculty Med. Advance Online. doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.1420664
    2. Turmeric Inhibits MDA-MB-231 Cancer Cell Proliferation, Altering miR-638-5p and Its Potential Targets. Kaya M, Abuaisha A, Suer I, Emiroglu S, Abanoz F, Palanduz S, Cefle K, Ozturk S. Turmeric Inhibits MDA-MB-231 Cancer Cell Proliferation, Altering miR-638-5p and Its Potential Targets. Eur J Breast Health. 2024 Apr 1;20(2):102-109. doi: 10.4274/ejbh.galenos.2024.2023-12-2. PMID: 38571691; PMCID: PMC10985573.


    1. Risk Factors of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Luminal (HER2 Negative) Breast Cancer: Roc Curve and Logistic Regression Model Results. Bozdogan A, Emiroglu S, Abuaisha A, Basar OD. Risk Factors of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Luminal (HER2 Negative) Breast Cancer: Roc Curve and Logistic Regression Model Results: RF of response to NAC in HER2- BC. Arch Breast Cancer [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 24];11(1):67-74. Available from:


    1. Pure Tubular Breast Carcinoma: Clinicopathological Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes Emiroglu S, Abuaisha AM, Tukenmez M, Cabioglu N, Bayram A, Ozmen V, Muslumanoglu M. Pure Tubular Breast Carcinoma: Clinicopathological Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes. Eur J Breast Health. 2023 Apr 1;19(2):115-120. doi: 10.4274/ejbh.galenos.2023.2022-12-9. PMID: 37025580; PMCID: PMC10071886.


    1. Pure Mucinous Breast Carcinoma With a Favorable Tumor Biology and Clinical Outcomes

    Emiroglu S, Tukenmez M, Karakus S, Karanlik H, Onder S, Ozmen V, Cabioglu N, Ozkurt E, Yilmaz R, Muslumanoglu M. Pure Mucinous Breast Carcinoma With a Favorable Tumor Biology and Clinical Outcomes. Eur J Breast Health. 2022 Oct 1;18(4):353-359. doi: 10.4274/ejbh.galenos.2022.2022-8-1. PMID: 36248750; PMCID: PMC9521282.


    1. Evaluation of Benign Breast Diseases With or Without Atypical Epithelial Hyperplasia Accompanying Radial Scars. Turkyilmaz Z, Sarisik E, Ozkurt E, Tukenmez M, Emiroglu S, Emiroglu B, Onder S, Yilmaz R, Muslumanoglu M, Igci A, Ozmen V, Cabioglu N. Evaluation of Benign Breast Diseases With or Without Atypical Epithelial Hyperplasia Accompanying Radial Scars. Eur J Breast Health. 2023 Apr 1;19(2):166-171. doi: 10.4274/ejbh.galenos.2023.2022-10-4. PMID: 37025577; PMCID: PMC10071881.


    1. Report of Two Cases with Simultaneously Detected Tubular Carcinoma and Phyllodes Tumor of the Breast. İlhan B, Emiroğlu S, Türkay R. Report of Two Cases with Simultaneously Detected Tubular Carcinoma and Phyllodes Tumor of the Breast. Eur J Breast Health. 2020 Dec 24;17(1):80-83. doi: 10.5152/ejbh.2020.5551. PMID: 33796835; PMCID: PMC8006781.
    2. Surgical Trends in Breast Cancer in Turkey: An Increase in Breast-Conserving Surgery

    Çakmak GK, Emiroğlu S, Sezer A, Canturk NZ, Yeniay L, Kuru B, Karanlık H, Soyder A, Gökgöz Ş, Sakman G, Ucuncu M, Akcay MN, Girgin S, Gurdal SO, Emiroglu M, Ozbas S, Öz AB, Arici C, Toktas O, Demircan O, Çalık A, Polat AK, Maralcan G, Demirer S, Ozmen V. Surgical Trends in Breast Cancer in Turkey: An Increase in Breast-Conserving Surgery. JCO Glob Oncol. 2020 Feb;6:285-292. doi: 10.1200/JGO.19.00275. PMID: 32109157; PMCID: PMC7051798.


    1. Thyroid cancer incidence in simultaneous thyroidectomy with parathyroid surgery

    Emirikçi S, Özçınar B, Öner G, Omarov N, Ağcaoğlu O, Soytaş Y, Aksakal N, Yanar F, Barbaros U, Erbil Y. Thyroid cancer incidence in simultaneous thyroidectomy with parathyroid surgery. Ulus Cerrahi Derg. 2015 Aug 18;31(4):214-7. doi: 10.5152/UCD.2015.2666. PMID: 26668529; PMCID: PMC4674042.


    1. Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma in A Man with Gynecomastia: Ultrasonography, Mammography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features with Pathologic Correlation

    Yılmaz R, Cömert RG, Aliyev S, Toktaş Y, Önder S, Emirikçi S, Özmen V. Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma in A Man with Gynecomastia: Ultrasonography, Mammography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features with Pathologic Correlation. Eur J Breast Health. 2018 Apr 1;14(2):127-131. doi: 10.5152/ejbh.2018.3761. PMID: 29774323; PMCID: PMC5939977.




    1. Genetic Variants Of Uncertain Significance In DLC1 And PRLR Genes In A Pure Mucinous Breast Carcinoma Patient. Asmaa Abuaisha, Ilknur Suer, Murat Kaya, Selman Emiroglu, Mustafa Tukenmez, Sukru Ozturk. Tashkent International Congress On Modern Sciences-III. Tashkent Chemical-technological Institute. April 22-23, 2024 / Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


    1. Feasibility and oncological safety of targeted axillary dissection or sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with clinically node-positive disease after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the prospective MF-1803 NEOSENTITURK-study. Cabioglu, H. Karanlik, MA Gulcelik, H.B. Kocer, M. Muslumanoglu, A. Igci, M. Tukenmez, C. Uras, E. Ozkurt, G.G. Akgul, S. Emiroglu, S. Bademler, B. Mantoglu, A. Dağ, D.C. Trabulus, N. Yildirim, G.K. Cakmak, E.S. Oran, H. Kara, H.G. Kılıc, G. Basaran, A. Altinok, M.U. Ugurlu, K. Senol, B. Zengel, N. Karaman, E.Varol, E. Dilege, Y. Bolukbasi, A. Akcan, Y. E. Ersoy, A. Soyder, S. Ozbas, M. Velidedeoglu, B. Ozcinar, I. Jorani, N.Z. Utkan, B. Citgez, B. Celik, L. Zer, G. Sakman, L. Yeniay, L. Dogan, M. Dogan, F. Erozgen, B. Göktepe, O. Agcaoglu,T. Kivilcim, S. Yormaz, İ.A. Özemir, A. Sevinç, K. Atahan, V. Veliyeva, FL Balci, B.M. Gulluoglu, A. Kamali Polat, A. Aydiner, A. Soran, K. Ibis, V. Ozmen, and the NEOSENTITURK Study-Group. San Antonio BreastCancer Symposium (December 5-9, 2023). San Antonio, Texas 78229 USA.


    1. Curcumin inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation by regulating ciRS-7/miR-7-5p/CKS2 axis. Asmaa Abuaisha, Murat Kaya, Ilknur Suer, Selman Emiroglu, Fahrunnisa Abanoz, Mustafa Tukenmez, Neslihan Cabioglu, Mahmut Muslumanoglu, Kivanc Cefle, Sukru Palanduz, Sukru Ozturk. POSTER. San Antonio BreastCancer Symposium (December 5-9, 2023). San Antonio, Texas 78229 USA.


    1. Patient Reported Outcomes In Terms Of Arm And Shoulder Functıons And Quality Of Life And Lymphedema Are Affected By The Stage, And Extent Of Axillary Surgery In The Early Postoperative Period Of Patients With Breast Cancer. HG Kilic, S Emiroglu, E Ozgorgu, M Tukenmez, A Bozdogan, M Müslümanoğlu, V Ozmen, D Sindel, A Igci, A Oral, N Cabıoğlu. POSTER. San Antonio BreastCancer Symposium (December 5-9, 2023). San Antonio, Texas 78229 USA.


    1. Lokal İleri Meme Kanserinde Tanı ve Tedavi Gecikmesinin Etiyolojik Nedenleri: Ülke Çapında Anket Çalışması İlk Sonuçlar. Yiğit Özaydın, Sibel Özkan Gürdal, Kubilay Dalcı, Gürhan Sakman, Semra Günay, Günay Gürleyik, Atakan Sezer, M. Ümit Uğurlu, Hasan Karanlık, Özge Gümüşay, Sadullah Girgin, Ali Uzunköy, Bercis İmge Uçar, Ali Cihat Yıldırım, Selman Emiroğlu, Enver Özkurt, Müfide Akçay, Bartu Badak, Mehmet Ali Gülçelik, Ş. Barış Morkavuk, Yasemin Bölükbaşı, Arda Kayhan, Gültekin Ozan Küçük, Göktürk Maralcan, Ali İlker Filiz, Ayşe Altınok, Nuh Zafer Cantürk, H. Belma Koçer, Ahmet Pergel, Emine Yıldırım, Ozan Eren Yıldız, Lütfi Doğan, Yeliz Ersoy, Pelin Basım, Taner Kıvılcım, Abut Kebudi, Ahmet Dağ, Levent Yeniay, Veli Vural, Tuğrul Kesicioğlu, Hande Köksal, Metin Varlı, Hakan Balbaloğlu, Güldeniz Karadeniz Çakmak, Ayşegül Aktaş, Vahit Özmen, Oğuzhan Deniz, Beyza Özçınar, Duygu Bayır, B. Hakan Bakkal, Orhan Ağcaoğlu, Ece Dilege, Meltem Öznur, Burak Bahadır, Arzu Akan 15-17 Aralık 2023. 11. Cerrahi Araştırma Kongresi


    1. İmplant Yerleşim Bölgesine Göre Meme Rekonstrüksiyon Cerrahisi: Prepektoral Yerleşim Tekniği Güvenli Mi? Selman Emiroğlu, Mehmet Günay, Asmaa Abuaisha, Mustafa Tükenmez, Rana Cömert, Ravza Yılmaz, Neslihan Cabioğlu, Mahmut Müslümanoğlu. 17. Ulusal Meme Hastaliklari Kongres. 30 Kasım- 03 Aralık 2023 Ankara’da.


    1. Lüminal (Her2 Negatif) Meme Kanserli Hastalarda Neoadjuvant Kemoterapiye Yanıtın Roc Eğrisi Ve Lojistik Regresyon Modeli İle Öngörülmesi. Atilla Bozdogan, Selman Emiroglu, Asmaa Abuaisha and Ozlem Deniz Basar. 14.Uluslararası Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Araştırmaları Kongresi (UTSAK). 23–24 Aralık 2023 (online).
    2. Pyoderma Gangrenosum After Reductıon Mammoplasty. Emiroglu S. 5th International Congress On Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches. 08-09 October 2022. Istanbul, Turkey
    3. Blood serum and plasma with striking green color in breast cancer patients. Abuaisha A., Emiroglu S., Kaya M., Suer I., Cabioglu N., Ozturk S. International Congress on Innovative Approaches in Medical and Health Sciences., 13-14 August 2022. Istanbul, Turkey
    4. A rare case of mucinous carcinoma of the breast in a 30-year-old female. Emiroglu S., Abuaisha A., Tukenmez M., Kaya M., Suer I., Bayram A., et al. 4th International Congress on Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches, 24-26 March 2022. Istanbul, Turkey
    5. Topografic localisation is enough for correct excision following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in nonpalpable breast cancer. Muslumanoglu M., Emiroglu S., Mollavelioglu B., Atalay B., Yanik M., Yilmaz R., et al. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, cilt.29, sa.SUPPL 1, ss.171, 2022.
    6. Efficacy of preoperative radiotherapy for non-responder breast cancer patients following to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Muslumanoglu M., Emiroglu S., Ozkurt E., Ozkurt S., Kucucuk S., Tukenmez M., et al. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, cilt.29, sa.SUPPL 1, ss.288, 2022.
    7. Are false-negative rates of sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy really associated with poor prognosis in clinically node-positive disease at diagnosis? Cabioglu N., Karanlik H., Igci A., Muslumanoglu M., Tukenmez M., Emiroglu S., et al. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, cilt.29, sa.SUPPL 1, ss.310-311, 2022.
    8. Sentinel lymph node biopsy with/without axillary dissection in clinically node-positive breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cabioglu N., Karanlik H., Gulcelik M. A. , Ilgun S., Igci A., URAS C.,… Emiroglu, al. 23rd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Breast-Surgeons. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, cilt.29, sa.SUPPL 1, ss.69-70, 2022.
    9. Efficacy of Ozone Therapy as a Novel Potential Therapeutic Approach in Severe Granulomatous Mastitis. Cabioglu N., Trablus D. C., Yalcin N., Emiroglu S.,Dinc N., Tukenmez M., et al. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, cilt.28, 2021.
    10. Ozone Therapy as a Novel Potential Approach in Patients with Severe Granulomatous Mastitisis associated with an improved T-helper-1 response. Cabioglu N., Cetin E., Emiroglu S., Ozkurt E., Tukenmez M., Muslumanoglu M., et al. 22nd ASBrS Annual meeting, District Of Columbia. 29 April – 02 May 2021. Columbia, United States of America.
    11. Rare Anaphylactoid Reaction Due To Isosulfan Blue: Our Experıence Of 4 Cases (İsosülfan Mavisine Bağlı Nadir Olarak Görülen Anafilaktoid Reaksiyonu: 4 Olgu Deneyimimiz) Kut A., Günay M., Emiroğlu S., Tükenmez M., Cabıoğlu N., Müslümanoğlu M. E. , et al. 11. National Breast Diseases Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 17–20 October 2019, ss.164
    12. Is There Any Advantage of Targeted Axillary Dissection After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer with Initially Positive Clipped Axillary Node? CABIOGLU N., Karanlik H., Yilmaz R., EMIROGLU S., Dursun M., TUKENMEZ M., et al. 21st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Breast-Surgeons (ASBS), Nevada, United States of America, 29 April – 03 May 2020, cilt.27
    13. Differential expression of novel immune checkpoint receptors expressed on tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) in patients with early breast cancer. MOLLAVELIOGLU B., Cetin E. A. , CABIOGLU N., Abbasov A., ONDER S., EMIROGLU S., et al. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San-Antonio, Northern Mariana Islands, 10 – 14 DECEMBER 2019, cilt.80
    14. Is there a clinical significance of PD-1, CTLA-4 positive tumor infiltering lymphocyte expression after neoadjuvan chemotherapy in patients with local advanced breast cancer? (Lokal İleri Meme Kanserli Hastalarda Neoadjuvan Kemoterapi Sonrası PD-1, CTLA-4 Pozitif Tümör İnfiltre Eden Lenfosit Ekspresyonunun Klinik Önemi Var Mı?) Abbasov A., CETIN E., CABIOGLU N., MOLLAVELIOGLU B., ONDER S., EMIROGLU S., et al. 1. National Breast Diseases Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 6 – 10 November 2019, ss.109 
    15. Reconstructıon with an muscle implant is an effective method in breast cancer surgery for shorting losing times (Kas önü implant ile yapılan rekonstrüksyon meme kanseri cerrahisinde yatış sürelerini kısaltan etkin bir yöntemdir) Müslümanoğlu M. E. , Emiroğlu S., Günay M., Tükenmez M., Cabıoğlu N., Özmen V. 2. National Breast Diseases Congress, Antalya, Turkry, 17 – 20 October2019, ss.176-177
    16. Favorable local control in breast cancer patients following sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy without axillary lymph node dissection. Cabioglu N., Igci A., Karanlik H., Muslumanoglu M., Cakmak G. K. , Emirikci S., et al. 20th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Breast-Surgeons, Texas, United States of America,30 April – 05 May 2019, cilt.26, ss.292-293
    17. Long-term effective local control in patients presenting with T4 disease and treated with breast-conserving therapy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Tukenmez M., Trablus D. C. , Ozkurt E., Cabioglu N., Dogan S., Emirikci S., et al. 19th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Breast-Surgeons, Florida, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 2 – 06 Mayıs 2018, cilt.25, ss.530-531


    1. The Gold Standard Approach To The Surgical Treatment Of Sleen Diseases: Our Large Laparoscopic Splenectomy Series. (Dalak Hastalıklarının Cerrahi Tedavisinde Altın Standart Yaklaşım: Geniş Laparoskopik Splenektomi Serimiz). Tukenmez M. And Emiroğlu S., 14th Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress (Local conference) 19-22/April/2019.
    2. Can axillary lymph node dissection be avoided in patients with locally advanced breast cancer following neoadjuvant chemotherapy? Emirikci S., Cabioglu N., Trabulus D., Ozkurt E., Tukenmez M., Dogan S., et al. 11th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC), Barcelona, İspanya, 21 – 23 Mart 2018, cilt.92
    3. Cause of Unusual Ileus in the Early Period After Rectosigmoid Colon Tumor Surgery; Bulgur from Tokat Region: A Case Report. (Rekto sigmoid Kolon Tümör Ameliyatı Sonrası Erken Dönemde Sıradışı İleus Sebebi; Tokat Yöresine Ait Bulgur: Olgu Sunumu). Bayraktar A., Bakkaloglu H., Goksoy B., Keskin M., Emiroglu S.,Ilhan M. 11. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 5 – 09 Nisan 2017, cilt.23, sa.1, ss.90 .


    1. Treatment Results in Recto and Pouch Vaginal Fistulas: Evaluation of 77 Cases. (Rekto ve Poş Vajinal Fistüllerde Tedavi Sonuçları: 77 Olgunun Değerlendirilmesi). Keskin M., Emiroğlu S., Memişoğlu E., Bayraktar A., Sökücü N., Buğra D., et al. National Colon and Rectal Surgery Congress, Antalya,Turkey,15-19 May 2013,pp.71


    • 57- Mammoplasties 101, 2 Mart 2024’teki iBreastBook web semineri. Bu etkinliğe Edinburgh Kraliyet Cerrahlar Koleji RCSEd03158 tarafından 1,5CPD puanı verilmiştir.
    • 2023 San Antonio, Teksas’ta düzenlenen 2023 San Antonio Meme Kanseri Sempozyumu. 5 Aralık- 9 Aralık 2023’te
    • Konuşmacı: İMAG Toplantısı; Cerrahide Pratiği Etkileyecek Değişiklik Var Mı?
    • Konuşmacı: Florence Nightingale toplantısı; San Antonio’dan sonra; Meme Cerrahisindeki Gelişmeler
    • Ulusal Meme Hastalıkları Kongresi. 30 Kasım – 03 Aralık 2023 Ankara’da.
    • Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2023 in Vienna 15-18 March 2023.
    • 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 6-10/2022 San Antonio- Texas.
    • BREASTANBUL CONFERENCE 2022 Wyndham Grand Levent, Istanbul, Turkey.
    • Kurs: BREASTANBUL 2022. Breast Surgery International Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course. Wyndham Grand Levent, Istanbul, Turkey.
    • Kurs: 26-27 October 2018 Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course, Istanbul University – Istanbul Faculty Of Medicine – Department Of General Surgery. 26.10.2018 -27.10.2018 (National)
    • Konuşmacı: Mastectomy Principles and Prophylactic Mastectomy, Mastectomy Principles and Prophylactic Mastectomy, Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Istanbul, Turkey. 11.04.2018 -11.04.2018 (National)
    • 16th breast diseases congress. At the Cyprus Acapulco Convention Center. 16-18/09/2022
    • 22nd National Surgery Congress and 17th National Surgical Nursing Congress 23-27/3/2022. Antalya- Turkey.
    • MBN 2021- Oncoplastic Breast Meeting. Milan. 16-18/12/2021
    • Konuşmacı: Basic Surgery Course. Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. 2022
    • Konuşmacı Basic Surgery Course. Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. 2021
    • Critical Bleeding/Massive Transfusion 7-8/6/2021 Technical Assistance Project for the Development of Blood Transfusion Management System in Turkey
    • New Approaches in Breast Surgery Symposium. Memorial Bahcelievler Hospital-Istanbul-Turkey 19/6/2019.
    • Current Approach to Colorectal Cancers 2018. LIV HOSPITAL. Istanbul, Turkey
    • Konuşmacı: Principles of Mastectomy and Prophylactic Mastectomy. Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. 2018
    • Konuşmacı: Basic Surgery Course. Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey. 2018
    • 21st National Surgery Congress 11-15/4/2018. Antalya- Turkey.
    • New Approaches in Breast Cancer – Training Meeting – Istanbul 2017. Swissotel The Bosphorous – Istanbul – Turkey 14-15/1/2017.
    • Meeting on Current Treatments in Rectum Cancer. 22/10/2016 Organized by Turkish Colon and Rectum Surgery Association at Koc University Hospital – Istanbul – Turkey
    • Alpine Liver & Pancreatic Surgery Meeting. Carlo Magno Hotel, Italy 5-9.02.2014
    • 7th Surgical Research Congress Rixos Grand Hotel, Ankara – Turkey 7-9/11/2013
    • 12th National Breast Diseases Congress 24-27/10/2013 Gloria Kongre Merkezi – Antalya – Turkey.
  • Sözel Bildiri İkincilik Ödülü: 22. Cerrahi Araştırma Kongresi, 2023
  • Sözel Bildiri Birincilik Ödülü: 22. Ulusal Cerrahi Kongresi ve 17. Ulusal Cerrahi Hemşireliği Kongresi, 2022
  • Sözel Bildiri Birincilik Ödülü: Türkiye Meme Hastalıkları Dernekleri Federasyonu 15. Ulusal Meme Hastalıkları Kongresi, 2019
  • İngilizce (İleri Düzey)